Wednesday, September 1, 2010

. .such a tough day!!!

Today, is really a tough day for me. Just last night I was doing my home works and studied for today's exam. I slept late last night and woke up early. My head feels like breaking, thinking of the things I need to do. I feel much pressure. I hope what I had studied for the exam will sink in my mind. I really don't know what's going on. All I know is that I need to maintain good grades.Just this morning we had an activity which we need to pass to be exempted for the semi-finals, and our group did it..we had the highest mark among other groups.  But we still have an exam later on. I hope I can still get good remark. After all this emotions I know I can do it. I maybe am too over reacting but the best thing I can do. I don’t want to give them headaches. I want to make my parents happy. Think big, think positive..aim high!!  c:

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